What is Periodontics?
Treatment of gingivitis
The health of the gums is just as important as the health of the teeth, as the gums and bone below are the ones that support the teeth in place. Healthy gums do not bleed. When they curse it means that there is an infection at this point.

– Diagnosis of gingivitis
Gingivitis is diagnosed by bleeding gums when they are bright red and swollen. The causes of gingivitis are mainly poor / improper oral hygiene but it can also be from smoking or side effects of some medications.
The treatment of gingivitis is usually done in 2 appointments, where deep cleaning is done with ultrasound, scraper and laser, as well as all the factors in the mouth that can collect germs and are treated accordingly so that oral hygiene can be achieved properly (eg grinding). old blockages or pieces of blockages that protrude and collect germs from below).
Gingivitis is reversible and its recurrence can be prevented by maintaining proper oral hygiene and regular preventive dental checkups every 6 months.
Treatment of periodontitis
– What is periodontitis?
Periodontitis is a disease of the gums that has penetrated the bone beneath them. It can be the result of chronic gingivitis, smoking, diabetes, stress, genetic predisposition, hormones, drugs, immunosuppressive patients, etc. Periodontitis leads to infection of the bone that supports the teeth, which deteriorates and loses its volume.
– Treatment of periodontitis
The treatment can be completed in 2 to 4appointments depending on the severity of the inflammation.
Treatment includes the use of ultrasound, scrapers, lasers where desired, elimination of signs of old restorations that favor the growth of germs. The treatment is superficial (above the gums) and subluxally (below the gums) as the germs (tartar) have penetrated the surface of the tooth roots and local anesthesia may be needed.
The most important factor influencing the course of the disease is in the patient’s hands and in the formation of good oral hygiene habits.
In more advanced cases of periodontitis, surgical treatment may be needed to remove the plaque and completely clean the roots of the teeth, in order to reduce the cavities.

– After the treatment of periodontitis
Periodontitis is not reversible as damaged tissues do not regenerate but the goal is to stabilize and maintain where they are without further deteriorating. After the treatment of periodontitis, some of the teeth may still have some mobility. In this case, we stabilize them by putting a thin wire on the back of the teeth, joining them, in order to stabilize them as best as possible. This process is called splinting.
Treatment of peri-implantitis
Just as gums are affected by periodontitis, implants can be affected by peri-implantitis when oral hygiene is not followed properly. The causes, symptoms and treatment are the same as for periodontitis, with the difference that the tools must be suitable for the implants to prevent metal wear.
Regenerative techniques
Why choosing DENTAL ART
Laser technology.
Emphasis is put on sterilization and cleanliness.
Minimal invasive dentistry.
Digital radiological examination with minimum radiation.
Modern ways to minimize pain.
First visit is free of charge.
Free examination and preventive treatment for people with disabilities.
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