Oral surgery of soft and hard tissues
Non traumatic extractions
Although the dentist’s goal is to preserve the teeth of all patients, sometimes tooth extraction may be necessary and unavoidable. Teeth may need extraction due to:
- extensive caries
- high mobility due to periodontal therapy
- tooth breakage that cannot be repaired
- enclosed tooth that causes inflammation or
- even a tooth should be extracted to make the proper closure of the teeth following an orthodontic treatment plan.
When tooth extraction is agreed upon, special emphasis is placed on causingthe least possible damage to the surrounding tissues, for the purpose of easy and comfortable wound healing.
If necessary, we provide surgical extraction in order to reduce the inconvenience of the patient and the doctor. Next, the missing tooth restoration options can be analyzed and discussed at length.

This procedure involves removing part of the tooth root and thoroughly cleaning the inflammation above the root. The indications for this operation are specific and are suggested by the treating dentist where deemed useful.
Aiming to design the most aesthetic smile, ulectomy is one of the procedures that can radically change the shape and appearance of teeth.
Some people have the so-called gummy smile, in which the gums look longer than usual as if they are bigger.
In these cases, and if the teeth are covered for the most part by the gums, the so-called gingivitis recuperation can be done. In essence, part of the gum is removed, showing the teeth larger and more aesthetically pleasing.

Cover removal and surgery of the wisdom tooth
Revelation of a grinder for tooth eruption
Sometimes the wisdom teeth (the last teeth in the block) do not have the necessary space to erupt properly and some of them are covered by the gums. As a result, they cannot be properly cleaned, germs can accumulate, and bad breath and inflammation can occur.
Many times, these teeth can be preserved and their extraction can be avoided, as long as they can be cleaned properly. For this reason, it may be necessary to remove the gum (cover) that covers the wisdom tooth in order to maintain proper hygiene of the area and to avoid any inflammation.
This procedure is short and can be done painlessly and bloodlessly using a laser.
Removal of jaw cysts
In some cases of patients who have many dental problems it is possible to find radiographic findings of cysts and other pathologies. In our dental clinic it is possible to treat all problems in the least traumatic way and the removal of any dental pathology.

Skin removal
Epoulis is any tumor that is located on the gums and is usually formed due to chronic irritation or due to pregnancy (usually in the 2nd trimester). It is a benign tumor (reactive hyperplasia) and appears in the gum area due to a poorly made filling, accumulation of germs, stones, etc.
It is easy to treat, as it is removed surgically using a laser. The gestation, as long as it does not interfere with chewing or brushing, it is not removed as it disappears after childbirth. Any questions or concerns you have, contact us!
A bridlle is a strip of soft tissue that starts at the inside of the lip and ends at the gums. It is located in the middle of the two front teeth but there may be other bridles in the mouth on adjacent teeth. We also have a bridle under the tongue that joins it to the bottom of our mouth.
When the bridles are large, they can make brushing difficult, create a gap between the two front teeth (aesthetic reasons), predispose to periodontal disease (gingivitis, plaque and stone buildup) or can even prevent the placement of removable prosthetic work (device). The short bridle of the tongue on the other hand can make it difficult to speak and articulate.
For these reasons and where necessary, it is recommended to remove the bridle, which can be done bloodlessly and quickly with the use of a laser that guarantees faster healing without scars.
Preoperative surgeries
Sometimes, when extractions have been made in the mouth and teeth have been lost, there may be some anatomical abnormalities that make it difficult to place prosthetic and immobile works. In these cases, minor surgeries can be performed in the oral cavity in order to properly maintain and retain these prosthetic works.
These operations include extraction of cataracts after extraction, remedial operations on hard tissues, such as removal of exostoses, and soft tissue surgeries, such as removal of hyperplasia, bridles, and gingivitis.
Why choosing DENTAL ART
Laser technology.
Emphasis is put on sterilization and cleanliness.
Minimal invasive dentistry.
Digital radiological examination with minimum radiation.
Modern ways to minimize pain.
First visit is free of charge.
Free examination and preventive treatment for people with disabilities.
Affordable prices – flexibility in payment methods.